Trust Exchange Update


Exciting News and the Road Ahead

I hope everyone is doing well and 2024 has been treating you well so far. We have a bunch of really good things happening but due to NDA's, compliance etc, we can only share a bit of it here for the time being. Due to all of this, it's been a while so I wanted to provide everyone with a few updates on our project. There's a lot going on so I'll give a quick summary here and then provide separate posts with more detail.


  • New Customers. On the Web 2 "side," we ended 2023 with some cool new customers including a few banks and small towns. It's a rough environment for many companies and getting new deals has been hard but it seems that our strategy of creating complimentary partnerships is paying off. Here is one example of how we are engaging with communities of banks to build out the "network effects" necessary to get scale. Trust Exchange and Community Banks in Kansas Stay tuned for more of these working partnerships.

  • Building the Virtuous Cycle. Large partnership incoming that will add thousands of new participants to the platform. Speaking of partnerships, we're working with several "web 3" organizations most notably, after speaking at Newconomics 2023 in Portugal in November, we formed a partnership with the team at the Human Protocol to recruit more curators and validators for the network. We expect that within a few weeks we will be announcing more details and opening up the network to their participants.

  • Crowdfunding. We have been approved for listing on and are working on finalizing our pricing, marketing and go live date. With this, we will be able to raise up to $1.2M in capital via REG-CF (crowd funding) which is a relatively new SEC regulation that would enable the general public, "non-accredited investors" to purchase shares of Trust Exchange.

  • Digital Certificate Discount. Early adopter discount expiring for the curator NFT's. The discount we offered exclusively for HIVE users will be expiring over the next few weeks. Currently, we're offering an 80% discount. This discount will be reduced by 20% per week until the pricing is back to full price. All NFT holders are currently accruing rewards. Get your certificates here:

Coming Soon:

Platform Update

Initial testing. Curator rewards. Validator Certificates going live and account pairing process between web2 and web3.

New Partnership

Human Protocol Details, Newconomics 2023

New Customers

banks, town, retailers

New Prospects

marketing firms, finance verification, business data collection and validation

Next Steps

Account pairing, reward token launch, contribute to earn

Thanks to all of the members of the community who have purchased the certificates and have connected with us for updates etc. We have more exciting things to come!

Join our community discord: Trust Exchange Discord

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