AZL Daily Soundtrack 2022-03-27: Alexandro Querevalú


I don’t listen to music every day. In fact, most days now I don’t. But some days I do, and today was one of those days - le apetu wastelo!

Today’s soundtrack was the fluting of Alexandro Querevalú.

I try to only post these daily soundtracks when I come across one of those albums I can easily listen to on repeat, and this is absolutely one such album.

Alexandro Querevalú absolutely kills it on quena and quenacho. This guy was my earliest inspiration to try the quena. Watching his street performances on YouTube, he made the quena and it’s mamá the quenacho sound so crisp, pure and soulful. Misleadingly, he also made it look so easy!

The more I grow in my own experience with these flutes, the more ai appreciate coming back and listening to masters like this, for it is much more challenging than I had presumed it might be, not just to play, but to play with the sort of qualities with which Alexandro so prolifically plays.

Thanks for checking out my daily soundtrack today!

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