Wonders of Avocado

Today we will tackle about the great health benefits that avocado gives us and why it is considered good for your health.Avocado is linked to maintain a and keep your cardiovascular health that may reduce the risk of getting heart disease.Avocado is rich in potassium that is good for the heart and reduce the risk of kidney failure.It is also linked in lowering the risk of getting diabetes.This fruit is also good for cancer prevention because avocado's are rich in anti-oxidant that fights damaging cells and serves as front line defense against these harmful cells.It is also good for improving skin health,it moisturizes the skin,also prevents wrinkles and keep the elasticity and firmness of the skin.It is also good for pregnant women because this fruit is rich in folic acid.It is also good to prevent constipation,avocado's are rich in fiber.Avocado's are good for weight loss because it has nutrients that make the body feel like full so you don't have to eat.It is also good for arthritis and prevent the inflammation of the joints.Hope that now you are encouraged to eat as frequent this fruit because of it's benefits.avocado.jpg

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