Time to Buy STORM with the Avalanche Network! 🚀🚀🚀🚀

Storm looks like it's ready to surge!🌊🌊🌊

STORM just came out at the beginning of the month, and it looks like a great deal now!!
Screenshot 2021-09-30 at 12.26.13 AM.png


Earn up to 888% APR in the StormSwap.Finance farms!
Screenshot 2021-09-30 at 12.31.34 AM.png For one thing, check out this Maximum Supply of only 3,700,000 Coins!

I really like this coin for it's low supply, and also like it because it's the main swap interface of the Avalanche network. The news is that StormSwap Finance just burnt 6000 STORM, so this coin is probably going to moon! I think it's easily a $5000 coin in the near future. The AVAX network STORM resides on is really great too, so if you haven't discovered swapping on the Avalance network, then you don't know what you're missing.

How do you swap on Avalanche?

Swapping Storm on Avalanche is a breeze. The first thing I did was picked up some AVAX inside my Crypto.Com app, and then transferred it to my brand new Avalanche Wallet. I just created the wallet tonight at https://wallet.avax.network/. Always remember to back up your AVAX 24 word recovery phrase, and you're set.

The next step is to transfer your AVAX to your newly created Avalanche wallet, the funds will arrive very fast, it reminds me of HIVE, it's literally seconds! Once you have funded your new wallet, all you need to do is a simple cross chain transaction within the Avalanche wallet (from your X wallet to C Wallet.) Don't worry, the C wallet is built into the Avalanche wallet for transferring to your metamask Ethereum wallet so you can swap on https://stormswap.finance/ or any other Avalanche swap.

Screenshot 2021-09-29 at 11.44.45 PM.png

Once you confirm the swap to your C Wallet, then all you have to do is go to Send, to send the AVAX from your C wallet to your Ethereum wallet. But first you need to configure your Ethereum / Metamask wallet with the Avalanche network by simply going to stormswap.finance and allowing the site to connect with metamask, and approving the addition of the Avalanche network to your metamask. Typical metamask connections.


Once all these steps are done, and you see the Avalanche Network in your Metamask, simply copy your Ethereum wallet address to send your AVAX to it, as I was saying in the previous section, you send from the C wallet to your Metamask Ethereum Wallet.

Screenshot 2021-09-29 at 11.46.53 PM.png Source Chain C, and paste your ETH wallet address in the To Address destination!

Now that's it, you're ready to swap on https://stormswap.finance/, which actually refers you to the https://app.pangolin.exchange/#/swap

Screenshot 2021-09-30 at 1.09.27 AM.png The Swap looks like this, I picked up some PNG, Pangolin Coins too!

What's crazy is they even have a margin swap in there?

I'm not advising using it, but I thought that was an interesting feature! Who knows, maybe these PNG coins will go to the moon too. I really like swapping and transferring with the Avalanche network, because of the speed and super low fees. It's even lower than using BSC! I think AVAX's definitely going up to way over $3000 or higher too like ETH did, maybe even 50K in the long run, Haha! It seems like AVAX is the next ETH killer, so be sure to stock up on Avalanche too! Here's a video below with some more info about using the AVAX network:

STORM on Coingecko!

Screenshot 2021-09-30 at 12.18.50 AM.png This coin's only been out since the 6th of September, and looks like it was up at $50, so that's probably where we're headed back to soon!

And here's Avalanche:

This coin is going to the moon for sure!After testing out the network, and finding out how fast it is for myself, and how low the fees are, I know without a shadow of a doubt that AVAX will be the next BNB coin price wise.Screenshot 2021-09-30 at 1.19.15 AM.png

Here's Pangolin's Chart too!

It looks like a deal also. All three of these coins are sure to be winners!
Screenshot 2021-09-30 at 1.20.28 AM.png

Liquidity Pools on AVALANCHE!!

Lots of High APYs on https://app.beefy.finance/#/avax too!
Screenshot 2021-09-30 at 12.15.05 AM.png

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