Nothing like your car is consuming excess fuel, you consume it yourself

Many people have been wondering maybe their car is consuming fuel or not. Here are some tips to confirm.

  1. Know your car mpg. Mpg means miles per gallon. Cars have varrying mpg, and you can't compare a 4 cylinder engine to v6 or v12 engine. You can check your car mpg at
  2. Here are some things that can cause excess fuel consumption.
    a. Overweight / overload. Too much of load in your car will make your car have much weight thereby causing drag.
    b. Flat tyre. If your tyre is not gauge it will also cause drag, thereby reducing the speed of your car.
    c. Due lube service . when you did not service your engine oil when due, your engine will be doing more work and your car won't move as require. And if your gear oil is due too your engine will just be running without engaging the gear very well.
    d. Bad driving habit. People are fond of raising car unnecessarily, you are wasting your fuel. Some will just overspeed on a short distance, you are also burning your fuel.
  3. Other factor
    Bad oxygen(O2) sensor
    Fouled plug
    Bad fuel
    Bad road
    Bad catalytic converter
    Bad engine etc

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