Principles to live by

Image of White Stag

The White Stag represents the Sovereign energy of the North


• I take full responsibility for my life
• My life is my creation
• I don’t wait for others to create what is important to me in my life and in my world
• I am responsible for my thinking, my feelings, my beliefs, my choices and my actions
• I maintain consciousness of my victim and choose to move out of reactive patterns and into proactive and creative behaviours
• I take personal leadership in my own life
• I am conscious of my impact on others


• I choose to discover and live fully and passionately my mission.
• I take personal leadership in creating my vision here on earth
• I strongly support and encourage others to do the same.

Image of Eagle

The Eagle represents the Lover energy of the East


• I live in Integrity with my Mission
• My word is my bond
• I am who I say I am
• I am trustworthy
• I know my values and beliefs and live them in the world
• I make choices and take action to live my mission and fulfil my commitments
• I keep my promises
• I do what I say I will do
• I walk the talk
• I ask for help when I need it
• I ask for what I want
• I move through my fear
• I take risks

Image of Robin

The Robin represents the Warrior energy of the South


• I am accountable for my choices and actions, both conscious and unconscious, as well as for their consequences.
• When I am out of integrity with myself or others, I will be held fiercely and lovingly accountable, either by myself, or with my another’s help.
• I maintain consciousness and ownership of my feelings and judgements.
• I ask others to hold themselves accountable when they are out of integrity with their agreements with me, and I commit to holding them accountable when they do not.
• I own my stuff.
• I question authority.
• I am not intentionally offensive or abusive.
• I seek to understand the impact of my choices and actions through honest, effective feedback from others.

Image of Badger

The Badger represents the Magician energy of the West


• I openly speak my truth cleanly and clearly.
• I am sincere and honest.
• I live from my heart.
• I am authentic.
• I speak clearly and directly to other people of my perceptions, feelings and judgments.
• I do not practice “sideways” (passive-aggressive) comments or gossip, and I will process others around their intention when I judge that they are doing so.
• I seek truth and understanding of myself and others.

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