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My Purple Dress - a Short Story to Inspire Self Authenticity

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In 2005 I wrote a book called My Purple Dress. At the time I was promoting my Motivational Speaking Business and I was asked a couple times by those Booking Events that if I had a published book I would get more $. So I wrote a book. It really is my Spiritual Autobiography. Let me know if you would like a PDF of the Book - I will send to you.

The story is that when I was a little girl - First Grade - there was another girl at recess that made fun of my purple dress. My grandma made all my dresses and she was quite creative. My dresses were nothing like the store bought dresses other girls were wearing at school. I didn't even notice until that day. I loved the dresses my grandma made me. They were so much fun and colorful. So back to recess in First Grade. Darla (name has not been changed to protect the guilty) made from of me by saying that I must be poor because I had on a homemade dress. She got other girls to laugh at me. I was so hurt and sad that they didn't like me or my dress. The rest of the day I stayed to myself. My teacher asked me a couple times if I was okay. I was not but didn't know what to tell her.

When I got home I asked my mom if she would go buy me a store bought dress. She knew something was up because of how much I loved my homemade dresses. She did buy me a couple dresses and the homemade dresses went to the back of my closet along with my - self esteem, pride, authenticity. It took me several years later while in Jr. High to realize no matter what I did to fit in and be like everybody else, I could never do it well enough. My creativity and uniqueness just oozed out of me! I finally gave up trying to fit in and allowed my whole self to come back out. It was the best decision of my life. It was also a lonely decision. I gave up a lot of friends, but ended up with just a few very good, loyal friends. It also allowed me to do and try things that the other girls weren't doing - like becoming the Marching Band Drum Leader.

Do you remember a time when you were a kid and were teased about something that you liked about yourself, but decided to hide it to fit in? It is the beginning of losing your self and authenticity. I think if you can remember back and recover some of your unique qualities - you will begin to reclaim your authenticity. Its so freeing!