What's Australian for, "Are you pulling my leg?"

What's Australian for, "Are you pulling my leg?"

"Takin the piss", maybe?

What first struck me was how straight as arrows both the lady being interviewed and the gent interviewing her seemed to be in the following video. "Character actors" flashed 'cross my mind. Yet the story feels credible to me.

If the story can be verified, that there are such holding camps in one of the states of Australia, then Australia seems to have some exercise on disease control underway using Covid as the overlaid justification. The reason for such strongly enforced exercises can only be hypothesised.

The original content comes from the UnHerd Channel on YouTube which has over 150k subscribers. That comes with no guarantee but lends some credibility. You will find me to be the guy who cannot conceive of the level of evil required to enact the more sinister theories surrounding 9-11; and that is not even considering the concept of intentionally flying a passenger plane into an office tower. At the same time it is hard for me to logically believe that two planes brought down three towers into their own footprint within hours of each other.

Anyway, on with the show. A lady who was detained in an Australian isolation holding camp is interviewed shortly after a two week stay.



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