When my work ends, the work starts...But I love it!

My working day is done for another Thursday and it’s time to go to work! Say what?! I guess what I mean is my day job is over and my part time after hours work is just beginning.

I’ve arrived at the cattle farm I work on and have just hiked up some moderate-grade hills to a spot where I’ll wait out some feral pests. It’s been a nice day of about 25 degrees and is just about perfect here at the moment with clear blue skies and a hint of breeze to keep me cool.


The time I spend up here, whilst very important to the farmer from a cost-reduction point of view, is like my alone time, my recharge. My wife won’t come up here with me whilst I’m working as she finds what I do distasteful and so I’m mostly here alone and it’s such a peaceful time. It’s been a dry summer here and the property is awash with golden grasses and the silver-grey of the gum trees. The creek has dried up and whilst the two dams hold water the entire property is quite dry.

Still, it has its own beauty I guess. For me it’s the lack of humanity. Here I could be the only person on the planet. No talking, no phones ringing; There’s simply bird calls, the crickets, occasional cow and of course the feral pests I’m here to shoot.

The summer is over and the property will green up soon; It always amazes me how quickly it browns off and and then comes back vibrant green with a few showers of rain. It’s a beautiful property now and when it’s green is even better.

So, I better get to work I suppose. I’ve been sitting here waiting for the sun to dip to the horizon. I always get here early so I can relax a little prior to the work starting and it’s getting to the point where I’ll need to focus on the job at hand.

Wherever you are around the world I hope you manage to find your little quiet spot and recharge as well.

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