Why do some peoples lives seem to matter more than others?

Why do some peoples lives seem to matter more than others?

I noticed there was a serious lack of "prayers" & compassionate posts appearing in my Facebook & Twitter news feeds for the victims of the Istanbul terror attack on the 28th of June 2016..

Where were all the humanity champions who instantly changed their profile photo after the #ParisAttacks?

When the attacks happened in Paris and Belgium, it was the only thing on television in Australia for a week.
However, the day after the Istanbul attack killing 41 people the top news story in Australia revolved around two moron politicians arguing over whether gay marriage should be legal in Australia..

Are Turkish/Syrian/Iraqi/Libyan people less important than the rest of the world..? Should we still be even debating about gay marriage or is it just a no brainer that it should already be legal...?

It's been less than nine months since the deadly Paris suicide bombings & mass shooting attacks — and less than three months since the attack on Brussels airport. There have been more than 1,000 terror attacks since the November 13, 2015 attacks in Paris.
But if you minus the ongoing conflicts in Afghanistan, Iraq, Libya and Syria, you still have more than 100 attacks in that time... But we only hear about the attacks and mass murder that the mainstream media want us to hear about..
What about the 900 other attacks that don't make the news??

As for the "prayers", I'm not saying they are the answer or that they'll solve anything at all..
I mean after the lonewolf attack 2 days ago in Nice, France that killed 84, I think it's safe to say that all the prayers & amens are going to do diddly squat.

Nostradamus & the Mayans made predictions about the "End of the World" but maybe it wasn't an asteroid or a solar flare they were predicting but the end of what we are...
We no longer cherish life, each other, the earth or even the animals and resources put on it.
War, genocide, abuse, senseless mass murder, discrimination, animal cruelty, gluttony, racism, greed, waste and lust... Look around you, the end of life as we know it is closer then you think..

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