My RE&E Journey in Auz & Te Waipounamu: Day 33

Well, it's getting near the end of my five week down-under sabbatical and discovery tour. Every bit of it has been delightful. Well, most bits. Some of the candies down here, like lollies and such, are musk flavored. Someone tried to tell me it was a type of grape. I don't call the parts of an ox this smells like "grapes'. Yuck!


Spent the morning working in my last round of golf on the trip. This round was at Aston Hills, a very nicely kept course and the most expensive of the five I've played: $26USD. I'm glad I don't like down here, for I'd be playing multiple times a week at these prices, leaving behind a golf widow.


The long-time friend I'm finishing my stay with has these on her patio furniture. Turns out, the birds are afraid of them, and thus will not land on her patio furniture, nor leave presents to clean. Brilliant! I have decoy crows on my roof back home, and they're just as effective.


We received a surprise call from some other friends, that led to a night of women's Australian Rules Football. The Adelaide Crows, seen here in the horizontally striped uniforms, had ended the regular season with their only loss.

Their comeback in the first round of the playoffs was epic, beating Sydney 85-12. A score that large is a real rarity, and they served notice to the rest of the league that they had every intention of marching right through to the championship.

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