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Everything Podesta & Pizzagate

Pizzagate: Start

On October 7th, 2016, Chairman to the Hillary Clinton campaign, John Podesta, had his emails released on Wikileaks.

Several references to pedophilia and "pizza" were found in these emails.

Bringing light to the dark industry of child trafficking and abuse.

Pizzagate: Start (2)

John Podesta, and those close to him, spread the narrative of "Russian Hacking."

It has been proven that isn't even possible.

It had to be done from the inside. A DNC staffer, Seth Rich, leaked the emails. He was later murdered.

Pizzagate: Start (3)

Julian Assange obtained the emails from Seth Rich and started revealing them on

These emails contain confirmed FBI pedophile codewords, while also linking several establishments and politicians to a national child trafficking ring.

Pizzagate: Start (4)

The FBI released a document detailing symbolism and phrases used by pedophiles to identify each other.

Some of these phrases include:
Hotdog = Boy
Pizza = Girl
Cheese = Little Girl
Pasta = Little Boy
Dominoes = Domination
And many more...

Pizzagate: Start (5)

According to Qanon, Debbie Wasserman Schultz ordered the hit on Seth Rich.

Confirmation of this was found on her laptop. She went so far as to threaten D.C police that there would be consequences if it was not returned to her.

Pizzagate: Start (6)

The husband of top Hillary Clinton aide, Huma Abedin, is Anthony Weiner. A man convicted of sexting minors.

His laptop was also confiscated. It supposedly contains footage of top officials abusing children. This folder was labeled "insurance policy."

Pizzagate: Podesta (7)

Tamera's email details having her three children being delivered by uber to a farm, to "swim" with the adults.

She is not the only one to sell her kids for power either.

The farm referenced is owned by Podesta. It is roughly an hour from Bohemian Grove.

Pizzagate: Podesta (8)

"Podesta's Pizza Mansion", is actually a pig farm located in California, southeast of Bohemian Grove.

The farm is surrounded by forests in the middle of the mountains.

However, there are kids attractions, pools, camps, etc located around the farm.

There were already several tunnels built beneath Washington D.C.

These tunnels connect Comet Ping-Pong to other establishments like Besta Pizza.

Children are taken through the tunnels to avoid suspicion out in the open

Alefantis also owns a museum in Washington D.C called the "Pegasus Museum."

Specializing in "live art", it is closed off to the public.

You can see multiple security cameras. Neighbors in the area report armed guards coming in and out of the building.