9/11 : The Biggest Lie Just 3 Days Away

 If you believe that 19 Arabs can collapse two 110-story towers within an hour using two air lines then throw your engineering degree at the face of your university because your were being taught a lie in the name of physics and mechanics. Around 72 renown scientists have already challenged that 9/11 was an inside job and planned demolition of two structures.

Around ~3000 innocent people were killed by hiring 19 thugs so that entire world could be forced to believe that Islam is the religion of violence and it should be wiped out from the face of the earth.

Corpses of American soldiers can still be seen in open grounds of Iraq and Afghanistan. Millions of more lives of kids, women and the old were taken just to dictate their "New World Order" agenda.

My sympathies are with the families of those 2996 people who were killed by their very own state and the same state that is responsible for the killing of thousands of people after 9/11.

I love humanity and never the politicians. Politicians are the biggest terrorists on earth and not a religion. Love your friends around whether he be a Hindu, Christian, Muslim or a Jew. Keep a difference of opinion but don't support the one who instigates you to take up arms.

Don't judge a religion by its followers but by its Book and commandments. Because followers can be bought or soled but the commandment(Quran) can't be corrupted. If you want to understand Islam by looking at the actions of present Muslims or terror organizations like ISIS/AL-Qaeda, then trust me you will end up with nothing but horror.

As a Muslim myself today I accept that we have no true Muslim leadership, 99% of our political leaders are Muslims by name but not by actions. Most of our leaders are alcohol addicts, corrupt in nature and immoral in character because they are allies to the Elite powers of the World but not Allah.(PS: For a Muslim, a leader who does not pray 5 times a day, can never be a leader to people of the faith!)

If you want to watch how Islam looks then watch the activities of Pilgrims in Holy Kabah, where you will see no difference in caste, color, creed or language. They all stand as one in front of their One True God.

If you still want to believe on what Media shows you then continue with that thinking because it wont haram anyone but yourself. Your fate and mine is the same i.e. DEATH. Neither can you escape it nor can I.

Love your brothers around because we are children from a common  parent. Don't let the Devil astray you. 


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