Mo Farrah Guilty?


If any of you watched Mo Farrah's interview yesterday he never answered one question and redirected the questions and made it racial. When asked if he felt let down by Alberto Salazar and he replied that he had been let down by the press as it is on the grounds of a racial witch hunt.
This story is too big and it isn't going to go away. the problem is he was part of a group whose coach has been found guilty of helping athletes dope. Nike may be big enough to squash it,but I hope it comes out somewhere somehow. Too many people were involved for it to stay quiet. Look what happened to Lance Armstrong.

Race was never part of this as there are numerous athletes involved and it was about who their coach was and nothing else. He said that his tests have all been negative and there is no story as he is innocent. Testing means absolutely nothing these days as we all know the doctors involved are always a few steps ahead and know how to cloak and hide things. He was part of this guys program and you are telling me he wasn't doping. They all were and the project had a special name and he was part of it for 6 years. They know the routine and he knows how not to get caught by sticking to the set pattern devised for him.
Dr Stuart Brown who helped many Olympians in the Project and was found guilty of violating the doping rules.

I have lived with racial crap all my life living in South Africa and can see and smell bull shit a mile off. The way he tried to move the questions away by not answering them and turning the interview into his favor, which he didn't , but he tried and he showed he is guilty. If he had nothing to hide those questions would be easy and saying that Alberto Salazar had let him down should be simple.

The real truth is he can't as if he slates Salazar publically then Salazar will spill the beans and then take the heat of himself and drop it on Mo Farrah. Salazar is the key and Mo Farrah is hoping that he keeps quiet. Something has to happen as the truth will come out and he will not only be a cheat, but a liar as well who tried to use the race card in his defence. That is lower than low when there is no racial issues involved. This guy is a proper Dick and tells you what he is really like.

If you have noticed that anyone who is guilty and is desperate always tries to use the race card and that tells me this story is close to blowing up. He is threatening the reporters saying they are racists if they continue with this story and I am praying they aren't that dumb and naive. Mo Farrah thinks he is smarter than those around him and it is going to bite him hard. He will go down with the ship and be stripped of his titles and his Knighthood. Out of everyone he has the most to lose and he knows the story is close to coming out publicly.

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