The Death Of Harry S. Truman Points To The Lord Of The Rings: The Two Towers

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The 33rd US President Harry S. Truman connects significantly with the release of J. R. R. Tolkien's book The Lord of the Rings: The Two Towers. This super coded book with Twin Towers on its front and its 11/11 release date, seems to paint an occult picture related to a carefully prepared ritual that culminated in the fall of the two towers in New York City. The two towers represent Boaz and Jachin, the twin pillars at the entrance of the Temple of Jerusalem and the Master Number Eleven.

As I am showing in this series, US Presidents in the 20th century were significantly connected through time with this book.

Truman died on 12/26/1972, which is 6620 days after the release of The Two Towers book on 11/11/1954.

From The Lord of the Rings The Two Towers book release to Harry S. Truman death are 6620 days

This number is the reverse of 266, the position of the Golden Gate of Osiris, the central black hole of the Milky Way between 1939 and 2010. This time span includes the entire second World War, Truman's presidency, the release of both the trilogy of books and of even of the movies of The Lord of the Rings - and of course the building and fall of the Twin Towers in New York.

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Truman even pointed with his death directly at the midpoint of the Golden Gate 266°-267° with exactly 110 weeks, as I have pointed out in my previous post. This reflects the 110 floors of the Twin Towers, a super Master Number Eleven.

Harry S. Truman Died 110 Weeks Before The Golden Gate 266°-267° Midpoint

I have seen the the time of 6620 days before and wrote about it one year ago: Decoding the 2020 Oscar ceremony, which is always a mega Osiris ritual. This time it took place exactly 266 weeks after the four blood moon tetrad midpoint, with Mars at 266°. The tetrad itself had a triple Golden Gate connection, with the outer moons being 266 days from the midpoint and NASA reporting on that day of the midpoint the largest recorded megaflare in history from the central black hole - the Golden Gate.

Eminem performed "Loose Yourself", the 888th Billboard No. 1 hit, while Joaquin Phoenix got his Oscar 888 weeks after the first Wikipedia entry during the Leonardo Da Vinci double Phoenix year 500/567, Eminem just releasing his 11th album at the age of exactly 567 months and Wikipedia also being a Golden Gate Ritual. Not to forget the ritual Golden Gate sacrifice of Eminem's friend Proof. And Eminem's first Wikipedia entry was exactly 6620 days before that Oscar ceremony! Sigh. I know, it's a lot. It always is with these things...

From Eminems first Wikipedia entry to Joaquin Phoenix Oscar night featuring Eminem are 6620 days

Was Eminem's Oscar Performance A Wikipedia Golden Gate Ritual?

APX Joaquin Phoenix Oscar 888 Eminem Loose Yourself.jpgAPX Four Bloodmoon Tetrad 266 weeks after midpoint Mars at 266°.jpg
Joaquin Phoenix and his 888 OscarMars At 266° Today - Quadruple Golden Gate SymbolismRecord Breaking Megaflare At Milky Way's Black Hole During Tetrad Midpoint Day
567 Years Leonardo Da VinciLeonardo Da Vinci's Phoenix CycleWikipedia Launched 239 Days Before 9/11 - A Golden Gate Ritual?
Eminem's 11th Studio Album - Music To Be Murdered By dropped at EM's 567th monthProof That Proof's Death Was A Golden Gate Ritual?

Very long story short, the 6620 days from Truman's death to The Two Towers book release are very fascinating. But even more so if we look at the gematria value in the Jewish/Latin cipher for "The Lord of the Rings": it equals 662!

662 The Lord of the Rings.PNG

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