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President Woodrow Wilson Died 11x11 Months And 11 Days After Signing The Federal Reserve Act

APX Federal Reserve Act Woodrow Wilson 121m 11d.jpg

It was the 28th US President Woodrow Wilson who signed the Federal Reserve Act on 12/23/1913, creating the central bank system of the FED, that still dominates the FIAT money system we have today.

Of course, the whole act is surrounded with much conspiracy, going back to Abraham Lincoln and his Greenback paper currency, which was copied by the FED into the Federal Reserve Note in 1914. It basically created a monopoly to print money for a small club of super rich industrialist and bankers.

G. Edward Griffin wrote a book called The Creature from Jekyll Island about the events leading up to the creation of the FED, who was involved and profited from it. I have not read the book myself (although I should!) but I had the honor to have a conversation with Mr. Griffin about cryptocurrencies and numerology used in connecting events through time. He was incredibly open minded and supported my suspicion of a hidden hand working to manipulate energies through these kind of magical practices, although he also mentioned that he has no idea what this actually means and whether these energies truly exist or are merely a fabrication of occult practitioners. However, he has read multiple books about the topic, but I didn't learn which and by whom.

Anyhow, Woodrow Wilson became another willing puppet of the upper echelons of the financial system, a very important one indeed. And apparently we see US Presidents paying the price for getting into power by leaving this world at highly coded days, showing the magic of numbers through time:

He died exactly 121 months and 11 days after signing the Federal Reserve Act, on 2/3/1924. A marvelous connection, as 121 is 11x11, highlighting the power of the Master Number Eleven once more. We will see the 11 reappearing over and over again when we look at more of his and other US Presidents in my future posts.

But 121 also indicates that his death was anything but a natural one, as this number equals "Blood Sacrifice" in the English Ordinal gematria cipher.

There is also this whole connection of the sinking of the Titanic and how it probably as a massive ritual on its own, partly connected to the creation of the FED. We don't know what really happened there but history once more shows astonishing numbers with the Titanic, some of which I have shown in my previous research.

From The Titanic Keel Laying To Its Sinking Were 1111 Days - This and much more about the Titanic

Now, from the Titanic sinking to Woodrow Wilson's death were a span of exactly 616 weeks.

Wow, the "Ritual Sacrifice" number in the Jewish/Latin gematria cipher, that I have shown in my research before, for example with Robin Williams (who died exactly 616 weeks after entering his 616th month!).

And let us not forget that Woodrow Wilson was the US President that lead the USA through World War I against Imperial Germany. Well, he died a span of 1911 days after World War I ended with the Armistice of 11 November 1918, at "the eleventh hour of the eleventh day of the eleventh month".

Besides the ominous 911 hidden in there, this four-digit number equals "Ancient and Accepted Scottish Rite of Freemasonry".