From Woodrow Wilson's Death To Gold Becoming Illegal In The USA Were 111 Months

APX Woodrow Wilson 111 Executive Order 6102 Gold illegal.jpg

The US president that changed the finance system over a hundred years ago into the hydra that still is in place today, is showing some massively important numbers pointing to some massively relevant and connected events.

Yesterday, I highlighted several of them, especially the time from him creating signing the Federal Reserve Act to his death:

President Woodrow Wilson Died 11x11 Months And 11 Days After Signing The Federal Reserve Act

But it gets even more poignant, when we look from his death to Executive Order 6102 from Franklin D. Roosevelt, which outlawed owning gold in the United States. US citizens had time from that executive order until 5/1/1933 to hand over their gold bullions, coins and certificates to the FED (which was effectively created by Woodrow Wilson twenty years earlier). On 5/2/1933, anyone still owning gold above a value of $100 USD was facing a fine up to $10,000,(equivalent to $198,000 in 2019), up to ten years in prison, or both.

The time span from Wilson's death to that day when gold became illegal was eleventy-one, sorry, I mean one-hundred eleven.

From Woodrow Wilson death to Franklin D. Roosevelt making owning Gold illegal in the USA are 111m

The perfect triple one. Like Bilbo's Eleventy-first birthday on page one of the The Lord of the Rings, or the Golden Gate 267° change exactly 111 months after 9/11 and 111 months before the Coronavirus Pandemic.

APX Woodrow Wilson 111 Executive Order 6102 Gold illegal.jpg

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