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What's up with Jupiter?




I've been feeling called to do a Jupiter reading for the folks of steemit for a week or so. This post was originally intended for #tarottuesday, but one of the downsides to working with kids is being exposed to all of their illnesses. Between being a teacher and Saturn transiting my 6th house (health), by this time next year I am going to have a rock solid immune system.

You don't necessarily need to understand astrology to benefit from this reading. However, I like to describe the basic astrological components for anyone that wishes to learn about current energy climate. Read below to see the significant characteristics of Jupiter at this moment.

  • What Jupiter governs
  • Jupiter in the sign of Scorpio
  • Retrograde characteristics

Planetary Energy

Jupiter is the social planet of growth and expansion. It also rules higher ideals, luck, optimism, philosophy, religion, sociopolitical life, and ethics. Personally, I find it difficult to talk about Jupiter without its compliment, Saturn. Jupiter is in contrast to Saturn, the planet of restriction. Jupiter has the momentum necessary to push through Saturnian boundaries.

Jupiter in Scorpio

Scorpio energy has a way of intensifying anything it touches. All light heartedness burns away in the presence of Scorpio, so the normal optimism of Jupiter is dialed back a few notches. We are expanding in the depths of Scorpio; the sign of power, sex, death, and regeneration. Scorpio energy is magnetizing, so whatever it is we feel compelled to expand on, it might borderline obsession. This transit could also make someone a little squirmy, because many secrets will be revealed, the taboo will be explored, and the occult will become known.

Jupiter Retrograde

Retrogrades are planetary phases where a planet appears to be moving backwards. Our expansion turns inward and the typical Jupiter momentum is slowed. We are in a space where we can take time to consult with the wisdom that resides within us. When we actualize this wisdom within us, we will know it what direction we need to expand once Jupiter leaves its retrograde phase.

Have I mentioned that I love retrogrades? During these times we are forced to abandon outdated patterns, habits, and systems. I may be biased with Jupiter retrograde though (I have this placement in my natal chart)!

The Questions

Card One: What do we need to revisit and let go of that is inhibiting our growth?
Card Two: Where are we being called to expand on?
Card Three: What gift does Jupiter have for us?



1. What do we need to revisit and let go of that is inhibiting our growth?


When I first saw this card, I grinned from ear to ear. This card's corresponding planet is Jupiter, so it goes right along with the question we have asked.
Trusting the universe (yourself) is the key here. The wheel is turning and it is always in our favor. However, we must learn to embrace the ever changing nature of the material realm. Change creates opportunity, and opportunities provide the chance for growth.

β€œThe Only Thing That Is Constant Is Change ” - Heraclitus

I know that we have all had traumatic experiences. We've all had moments in our lives that have shaken us to our very core. Moment where we thought that we deserved to be depressed or angry with the state of our lives. Loss hurts. However, we must adjust our focus to see the meaning of it all in the grand scheme of things.

2. Where are we being called to expand on

6 of Wands (Victory)

~Corresponds to Jupiter in Leo~

This is the card of Victory and it is time to expand on how and what we CREATE. We must integrate all of our experiences and transform them into something raw and beautiful that we can offer the world. I don't mean creativity in just the traditional sense. This could mean recreating your life philosophy, your principals, and the way you engage with your environment that relates to intimacy, transformation, and power.

Recreate yourself in each moment.

3. What gift does Jupiter have for us?

9 of Wands (Strength)

~Corresponds to Moon in Sagittarius~

Jupiter loves to bring gifts! However, This "gift" already exists within us. He's just here to assist in is activation. We have the gift to be able to consciously and continuously change ourselves. We have the strength to realize ourselves time and time again. To actualize this gift, we can learn to practice indiscriminately loving all creation. All that is "good" or "bad" in our lives must be confronted honestly, so that we can understand the natural law of this plane.

Listen closely and you'll hear the rhythm underlying all creation.

Final Thoughts

What is generally uncomfortable will be confronted and analyzed. It is time to make peace with the dark parts of ourselves. The parts that we keep hidden will have light shine down upon them. We're preparing for more collaboration and integration!

Love & Light to All
Violet Flame
πŸ’œ πŸ”₯πŸ’œ

Previous Posts
Setting Intentions with the Moon
Overcoming the Fear to Create Content and the Nature of Communication Discussed Using Archetypes
My Introduction Post

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