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Astrology Aug 2 2018. Holy Shit Balls.


The disturbance in the force is at holy fuck levels.

There was my daughter’s accident, my mentor Kaypacha has all kinds of injuries, a client’s husband totaled a vehicle when he hit a deer, another is suffering badly with hives that are tearing her apart. I could go on.

If you have anything around 2˚ you will be feeling this more than most but this is crazy intense and it feels as if the world is going nuts at times.

The conspiracy theory QAnon has gone mainstream. I have known about it for months because, unfortunately, a lot of my former Berner friends think they are in some kind of big awakening. If they read this they will say I need to wake up lol.

I think this energy is waking us ALL up to our sovereign BEingness.

Q isn’t the answer but neither are Trump, Bernie, or anyone or anything ‘out there’.

It’s all giving away your own mind and being to something that you think is ‘saving’ you, us, the world.

I no longer ‘support’ any of them. I will not allow my mind to be controlled by things that might or might now be real because we create our reality every single minute by how we respond and react to the world around us.

Not that some aspects of my chart are being triggered to rant or anything hahaha.

Back to today.

The disturbance in the force is immense right now in so many ways.
The Aries Moon is moving towards a square with Rx Pluto in Capricorn and a trine to Rx Mercury in Leo. Your ‘I am’ presence is being challenged. More hidden depths and power challenges will come up today and there may be something from the past that rears up.

Funnily enough, my amazing friend and Shamanic teacher, Paula Mosier, The Tree Oracle, began a campaign called #TheRealExperiment today to help women throw off the shackles of societal expectations regarding how we look. She could not be more on target with the energies.

How do you remain solid, grounded and YOU in the midst of all this disturbance?
Even deeper, how do you harness these energies to throw off the shackles of mind control that we have all allowed for all of our lives?
How do you live and BE fully YOU?

Tomorrow we have a Mars retrograde and out of bounds aspect to retrograde Chiron in Mars ruled Aries.

This maverick aspect is bringing a big opportunity to heal much of this.

All this energy (at the 2˚ mark) is aspecting my Aries/Libra nodes and my Mercury in Sagittarius. It’s making me say fuck it to so much.

I AM who I AM keeps running through my head.

A few years ago a mentor who shall remain nameless because we didn’t part on good terms had us do an exercise of writing I am and then using as many descriptors as possible in a minute..

If there were any ‘roles’ such as I am a Mom etc we had to cross them out. What’s left is who we truly are. It’s not an easy exercise at first for many. You might have to ask others for three words to describe you until you find your essence. Of course, Astrology can also help.

So, I ask you? Who are you?

Repeat after me, I am….

Much love

Louise ❤