World Exclusive: First Interview with Jim Bell of Assassination Politics Since Released From Jail

In 1995, an essay entitled, "Assassination Politics" ignited a storm of controversy that still exists to this day.

It detailed how a cryptocurrency backed anonymous marketplace for assassinations would end all government.

It's author, Jim Bell, was continually harassed and spied upon by the US government soon after and ended up spending 13 years in jail and was recently released.

We were the first to get an interview with him since his release.

It's a fascinating discussion that is not for the feint of heart.

You can see it here:

Topics include: early computing and internet, bulletin boards, the cypher punks, solving David Friedman's 'hard problem', Bitcoin makes assassination politics possible, how it would work, the societal implications, practical anarchy, smart contracts, Ethereum and Augur, assassination lists and the non aggression principle, liable to evolve into a dispute resolution system that would replace the justice and military systems, reversing the ever increasing regulatory burden, putting an end to war.

Jim Bell's Essay Assassination Politics:

Andy Greenberg Forbes article:


Anarchapulco 2017:

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