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We were at a water park during the festive season. My youngest (who was 2 at the time) and I were playing in the toddler pool area. He then screamed from across the small pool that has to go make a poo, and proceeded to drop his pants and make a poo in front of all the moms/dads/toddlers that were there (which were many as it was holiday time). I think I was in shock and though that it was a dream because I just stood there, mouth open and frozen. I could feel the eyes of hundreds of people looking at me and I think I turned a hundred shades of red in that moment. Thankfully, it was a quick one and I managed to get a grip on myself, hold my head up high and go clean his mess. I was mortified, but the little man didn't see anything wrong with what he did. We vacated that spot and I had a heart-to-heart with him about bowel movements and when to do such things. Man, I laugh now but shit, that was terrible!