Man hugs two prostitutes in Pattaya, now believes they stole his necklace

If you don't know anything about Pattaya I'll go ahead and let you know. It is touted as a "family destination" but it is anything but that. It is one massive red-light district and you know if that is your thing, than it is actually a very popular tourist area.

You don't need a degree in criminal justice to figure this out when you are there.


I have been to these types of establishments and they can be a lot of fun. The girls are there for one very specific purpose though and that is to relieve you of as much of your money as possible.

It has been a while since we heard of these stories in the news because Thailand's tourism is just like everyone else's tourism in the world right now, almost completely shut down... but a story hit the radar recently about a man who was walking on the beach and met two pretty thai girls who propositioned him with some fun, were very touchy-feely and then he turned them down or more likely failed at negotiations only to later discover that he had been relieved of his gold necklace.


This picture has been circulating for years and it kind of exemplifies what a lot of the tourists in Pattaya end up being like. I'm not going to tell you what to do with your life... if you want to engage in the world's oldest profession than I say go for it. I do think it is quite bold of this guy to not be hiding his password very well from these women though.

I think the theft of jewelry and what not in Pattaya is nothing new and also think that as the area starts to open back up that we are going to start seeing a lot more of it. Whether or not you agree with a "working girl's" source of income or not doesn't change the fact that they too have been hit hard with Covid lockdowns and are likely going to be on the prowl for more things like theft in the not-too-distant future.

I just found it kind of funny that this was a headline in the English language news over here

"Man believes 2 prostitutes stole necklace off him in Pattaya:

Get in line pal, get in line. When you play with fire, even if it is a hot piece of "fire" in her 20's, you gotta be prepared to get your fingers burned.

Thai police are currently reviewing CCTV footage and I am extremely certain that this will get solved very quickly (sarcasm.)

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