Poem- Summer Love


Image Source- Pixabay

Little specks of light seeping through the curtains,
The sky outside brighter than usual,
Over the valleys and the mountains,
Beyond the crystal clear river water so musical,
The night seems livelier than the day,
All scars turn into stardust,
All fears flee away,
All doubts silenced by the gust,
Bodies entwined like pages of book ends,
A raphsody, a tune set to motion,
Heartbeats get faster as darkness descends,
All words put into a single emotion,
The fireflies shine and dance around,
The winter is long gone,
It's time for summer love in this old town,
For it's another new dawn...

-©Pratibha Badgal AA

All the posts under the name Pratibha Badgal AA are my own.

This poem was inspired from One Direction's song "Summer Love." Although the song and my poem are completely different.

Thank you for reading. All kinds of suggestions are welcomed. You can always comment and talk to me:)


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