Poem- Sifar(nothingness)

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Fearless and brave I walk through the dark of the night,
I stand as tall as a mountain,
My decisions unshaken like it,
I am deep as the ocean,
Producing cyclones within,
I am free as the wind,
Fugacious like stolen moments,
I remain rooted to my ground like a tree,
Known to dangers that lurk around,
There's fire in my soul and light in my heart,
I can melt the iron and break the shackles,
Not bound by boundaries,
I have no limits,
‎I live through time like an immortal being,
‎My touch feels like love,
‎My tears like heartbreak,
‎My laughter like life,
‎My screams like death,
‎I live through the ages,
‎for either I am everything or I am Sifar...

-©Pratibha Badgal AA

All the posts under the name Pratibha Badgal AA are my own.

This poem is a blend of prompt given to me by @kamiikazer and the prompt I once gave him to write a poem on.

Do comment if you read it. Be it a positive one, negative or debatable. Thank you for reading. Have a great day/night.


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