Flash Fiction- Dust


Image Source- Pixabay

Ethan stood in front of the mirror checking himself one last time. He wore a white button down shirt and paired it with blue jeans. He picked up his car keys and hurried towards his car. He had been waiting for this time to come around. He had been planning this for a month now. He stared at the bouquet of red and white dahlia and the box of ring that rested on the smooth leather seat.

"she'll love it," he thought.

He had been acting like a hormonal teenage boy these days. As he reached her house he parked the car outside and rang the doorbell while nervously fiddling with the rose shaped ring on his hand.

"Ethan what are you doing here at this time," his would be mother in law asked.

"Mother, I am here to pick up Eve. I have a surprise planned for her."
As these words escape his lips her face filled with sympathy and sadness.

"It's been a year Ethan. Get over it she is no more and we all have to accept this."

He loved her, he still did. Even when they told him that she was gone forever and ever. He had chased her in his dreams. Running after her was like chasing the clouds yet he still did. She was nothing but dust, in which he planned not to be burried but to be planted...

-©Pratibha Badgal AA

All the posts under the name Pratibha Badgal AA are my own.

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