A Eagle Decision


Eagle's 70 years in the life of the cat. The Eagle's main weapons, finely pointed beak. A pair of razor sharp claws and acute eye.

Eagle's 40, 70 years old strong and quickly all the way back to
On reaching the age of 40 can eat original beak is long out so soft.

Claws can not redeem the code blocks of credibility. Sweet dorm became very thick and difficult to fly.
However, the Eagles were skipping 5.

There Eagle are two categories depending on their psychological shattered.

The first one that has always been the weak eagle. The Eagles looked to be run
No longer exists in the highest heaven, and then fly out at high speed,
I plunged into the depths to kill yourself.
Some Eagle is not tired after living a full 5 months thirst floor.

Eagle determining the kind of decisive courage eagle. The Eagle is the highest mountain in search. 5 Accommodation build nests.
Next, the first soft-long his beak, stone by stone walls to make blood

After a very painful experience pain and eventually lost his beak. Then there appeared new beak. After months of dedicated beak finely pointed beak turned up with a finely pointed beak. The first work in a very thick skin to tear and make a return to normal.

However, out of his skin raw, you may be right about how much pain will. Next, Next until the blood was blunt claws because you nipping off with a finely pointed beak finely pointed.

But the pain of self-repair after building his nest full 5 months born to retire as long as possible. 5, when the full moon. The Eagle is always a finely pointed beak. With sharp claws and acute eye out to find his desired victim.

Credit image from facebook.

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