193#💀☠SMOKING Kill you 😱☠



Am I a smoker? Yeah right, I'm an active smoker. It's been almost 18 years I smoked. If I draw this sketch for a campaign stop smoking to friends and my best friend who smokes??? No,If there is stemians inspired to quit smoking by looking at this post, I thought it was the thing that prides and must celebrate . .. 😍😁👍 Drawing a heart theme with a cigarette on the respiratory tract is because some days I send Video from friends of friends via WhatsApp about the dangers of smoking, with a variety of dangers caused by smoking.

1.Sketching the initial form.

2.Confirms the form the heart and remove the auxiliary line.

3.Painted with a base color and affirms a line on the rope.

4.Confirmed color and color combination is a mixture of red, orange and black.

5.Darken the color of the heart by adding black color composition.

6.Add the white line on the grooves form the heart and adds a shadow.

7.Add a cigarette on the main channel of breathing.

8.Coloring a burning cigarette with the addition of red color on the coals smoking and the effects of smoke that spread to the rest of the channels of the heart.

if you are inspired to quit smoking and your efforts are successful, share tips to his friend stemians.
Also don't forget to support your favorite team for a moment again between BELGIUM VS. France.
Thank you



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