I will explain about Lascaux Painting

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Lascaux's painting is a fresco located in the cave of Lascaux in the Dordogne in France. [1] This wall painting depicts many animal species and human images painted in brown, black, yellow and red pigmented ground. [1] [2]

These pigments are produced from the ocher, hematite, and manganese depicted on the surface of the white limestone walls. [1] Lascaux artists create these images by drawing baselines and coloring them with pigments. [1]

Lascaux painting is one of the most prominent works of Paleolithic art. [1] Prehistoric artists can create the illusion of movement and capture the essence of a species by somewhat exaggerating the character's figure. [1]

Some of these paintings are paintings of cows that are located in a cave location called the Running Cow Room. [1] It is estimated that this painting was painted around 15,000 BC-13,000 BC. [1] The painting on the limestone appears to be mixed with other paintings of animals because the Paleolithic cave artist never erases the previous image before painting a new painting. [1] The cows on this wall create an impression as if they were climbing a hill. [1] image

According to the theory, this painting was made as a symbol of the capture of animals and then depicted apparently on the walls of the cave. [1] One painting that has a different interpretation is a Chinese Horse painting that has a bubbling image that is likely a pregnant mare. [1] Named the Chinese Horse because it resembles a horse of ceramics from the Han Dynasty. [1] Near the picture of the horse there are 2 diagonal illustrations that are almost parallel to the horse's neck and the other at the bottom of the horse's belly. [1] This illustration is thought to be a plant or an arrow. [1] But it is not known why the signs were placed on horses making it difficult to interpret the work of the Paleolithic. [1]

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