Work of Art # 02 the princess of @haleyaerith and @sasha.shade.

Work of Art number 2

Daughter of @haleyaerith and @sasha.shade.

Practice makes perfect, but nobody's perfect so why practice? Hahaha

Anyway let proceed with the lay-out.

First I draw the out line of the photo from my phone that was send by @haleyaerith

> This was drawn using Mechanical Pencil 0.03mm

Then darken the outline for enhancements well I don't have any materials used for sketching, so i decided to used my favorite pink mechanical pencil. [LOL]

Finalizing details, well i don't put some shadow much coz it's really for me to used the mechanical pencil for shadowing.

There you have it, hope you enjoy my heartily artwork inspired by my captain @sasha.shade and her queen @haleyaerith together with my boss @teamphilippines and our community.


And congratulation to me I just made another work of art and be publish to this platform "Steemit"

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