Entry for Artstorm contest week #7— Friend

Friend is someone you can count on no questions asked. Look at these two kangaroos... The bigger one saving the small one from the dangers of a bushfire. They are hugging each other which looks sweet and heart warming. This artstorm entry I drew today is inspired by a real photo of kangaroos embracing each other when rescuers saved them from the bushfire in Australia. I thought this could be a timely inspiration and enter artstorm contest. One message I want to tell on this art is the spirit of real friendship. Let us pray for our friends in Australia and these poor animals who got caught in the fire.

Some photos of the steps when I was creating this drawing
For my line drawing I made it a priority to depict caring between friends and an embrace would be perfect
Next is the base color. Made a quick search about the kangaroo and their color. This is my choice of color for my drawing. I was having second thought about putting them in jackets I am glad they look good in them
Last detail is the background to set the mood and feel of my drawing. Deep reds and charred forest with a hint of smoke and fire. Didn't want the bushfire to take over it should be the kangaroos taking center stage.
Hope you like it

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