Rulings, rulers everywhere! EU ones that is, why is the time for the MIRA release to kick in!

the action or fact of complying with a wish or command.

The European Parliament has voted in favour of Article 13

We all knew it was coming, it’s gonna have profound effects that will probably take a while to roll out but it’s here, like a dodgy uncle nobody knows if they actually invited or not.

The slow and steady slope has started people, now it’s not a case of if you will get into crypto, now it’s important that you do to be able to cater to the content you want to put out in the future (how you gonna pay for that hosting of your condenser frontend in panama when your content get’s a seize and desist?)

I’m not gonna get into the url itself, it’s been bubbling up for ages, it’s the result of being apathetic about letting people in a position of power to do bad things at the expense of those that cannot, it’s a battle of words and intellect and point scoring — it’s fucking boring and it’s ultimate what will be the no1 driver of division and pedantic megalomania.

Still, we have steem right? RIGHT?

Personally it’s not how THIS bill effects things today or in the future it’s the power players of legislation and member states, the battle to mobilise our own internet firewalls for each country effectively, country malware against country malware — forget the great firewall of china, think each country having very specific cyber defences, it’s already started.. .

. .. I mean we have a vegan sausage in greggs for god sake (j/k)

but wait, we have MIRA!

Personally this is our next strongest play for the whole steem eco(ego?) system, imagine for a moment instead of glorifying the top twenty positions of the chain we can have a real, resilient, globally spread out network of thousands of instances of witnessing, how much more that will allow us to bring speed and stability to the chain.

With 5g going live and faster internet connections from space it’s only a matter of time for us to be a connected planet in real time — it’s a race however, you only have to look around us at the the way we have treated the planet for our dreams and intention — it’s hurting and it’s recalibrating if we are in it or not.

we are going to need that resilience, we need to be in green data centres, we need to be near where the big back hauls are, I’d kinda like to get back into co-location again, it’s one of those things I miss after having clanlife back in the day, I guess being a blockchain service provider is BSP instead of GSP — I’d love to see that happen, some kind of steem provising of witnessing in a live stream setup next to a hydro damn, maybe Sweden? :)

Plenty of solutions out there in — the cost savings in terms of co2 emissions and the usual sensibilities of the nordic regions, it might be one of our last bastions of the steem blockchain when the crunch times come — maybe we should develop a GREEN steem hosting side unit that can deploy these things.

remember compliance comes quickly.

All new UK cars to have speed limiters by 2022 under EU plans was another thing that kinda squeezed out yesterday as well, while in some ways I’m comfortable with the notion that we have speeding compliance on certain roads it’s how far that goes — the jump from just ‘limiting’ you car with an ISA (intelligent speed assistance) to oh, I don’t know, taking over control of your journey in general are potentially huge.

Cars will have to have data loggers, autonomous emergency braking, lane keep assist, driver fatigue detection and reversing cameras or sensors

the world of the bit and byte, did we ever expect it come to this?

buy crypto, have a seat at a table.

if you ever needed a reason to carry a certain amount of crypto I’d say it’s watching the warning signs of a world that we are rapidly moving towards — countries are being eaten from the insides out — if you want to communicate it’s time to spin up your own witness when Mira arrives, build your own condenser, find your own micro tribe (local) of MAX 150 people and start building services out on a micro level.. .


pinterest epic wins pinboard → brand advocate for nokia, 1000heads, verisign → won vloggie for node666 (san fran 2006) → television for time team history hunters 1999 → sold to evan williams in april 2011 → went to phil campbell, alabama to help raise money after tornado (was on sky news, bbc news)→ CNN for sxsw 2013 about austin sxsw → video chat with robert scoblemusic video can you spot me?

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