✏️ Jace Beleren - Cryptomancer "Magic the Gathering" 🃏

Hey guys,

this week's theme at the Drawing Challenge #trialbycomics by @kommienezuspadt is "Magic the gathering".

Since I'm a big fan and a player for years I could not resist to give it a try, even if I am very busy with work and life in general.

Because I found my black old sketchbook a few days ago, I thought I'll do some colorwork , even if I suck at it.

So this is the result:

Jace Beleren (the Cryptomancer 😉)


Jace Beleren is a very powerful and talented blue mind mage. He can project his thoughts and he's able to craft illusions.
But thats not all. The most powerful ability he has, is the exceptionally rare talent of telepathy. He is able to read the thoughts of others with almost no effort and that has made him special among mages. Because of the power he wields, Jace walks on a fine line between virtue and sin for most of his life and he often finds himself struggling to choose a path because of it.

Like I said, there is much going on in my life ATM, so I did this drawing in one evening. Wish I had more time...

Here are some WIP pics :

LRM_EXPORT_20171005_194108.jpg My good old black sketchbook

LRM_EXPORT_20171005_194027.jpg first I started with a pencil sketch

LRM_EXPORT_20171005_193948.jpg then I used some crayons for colouring

LRM_EXPORT_20171005_185626.jpg mixing it up with some aquarell pencils

LRM_EXPORT_20171005_182644.jpg and give it a final touch with normal coloured pencils

LRM_EXPORT_20171005_182551.jpg and that's the final outcome

Since I'm mostly doing pencil sketches, this was more an experiment for me ;) But I hope you like it anyway.

The trialbycomic contest is very cool, and there are so many entries way better than mine. Just have a look at them, and support the artists if I like what u see! :)

Have a wonderful day and steem on!


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