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Waiting to be loved.

Do you need love in your life? Well my unknown friend, sit in a comfortable chair. Relax and look for a little alcohol to accompany your beautiful solitude. Wait for that love you so desire. Let the hours pass without worrying about them, at the end of the day you will not have anything more important to do; Why, what is more important than being loved by someone else and not by yourself? Maybe love never comes to you, maybe you waste your time while you get drunk in that chair; But ... What does it matter? After all, if you are paying attention to me, you may not be the most intelligent person.

The years pass. Do you know someone. Are you happy? No. It turns out that the love you expected anxiously tear like a bear a lonely camper watching his campfire while enjoying a good meal.

Keep waiting, maybe you'll have better luck next time.

Necesitas amor en tu vida? Bueno mi desconocido amigo, sientate en una comoda silla. Relajate y busca un poco de alcohol para acompañor tu bella soledad. Espera por ese amor que tanto deseas. Deja que las horas pasen sin preocuparte por ellas, al fin y al cabo no tendras nada mas importante que hacer; porque, que es mas importante que ser querido por alguien mas y no por ti mismo? Tal vez el amor nunca te llegue, tal vez desperdicias tu tiempo mientras te embriagas en esa silla; Pero... Que importa? Al fin y al cabo, si me estas haciendo caso puede que no seas la persona mas inteligente.

Pasan los años. Conoces a alguien. Te alegras? No. Resulta que el amor que esperaste ansioso te desgarro cual oso a un campista solitario viendo su fogata mientras dizfrutaba de una buena comida.

Sigue esperando, tal vez tengas mejor suerte la proxima.

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