Dance of the water: Art and photographs


When I was younger I always seemed to be intrigued by the movement of water. It is one connected body moving in a way as if it is dancing with itself but also for an audience. Staring at water gives me the desire to become part of it, to join in on its sacred dance. The desire usually come when I walk over a bridge and see the water’s flow. I will never act on the intrusive thought to jump, but it is certainly there. It is a strange fascination I have, I do agree, but then again it is part of me to be mesmerized by nature. I got a little carried away, let us move on to the actual subject at hand.


I saw a few people’s take on recreating the movement of water. I took the less complex route as I have not painted in a while. As you may have seen, the colours I used are fairly plain shades of blue, white and pink. It was an enjoyable experience to work with these few colours, but still creating a subtle depth. I know this take on water is a bit cartoonish, but I still like it. In the future I will attempt to do a more complex and realistic take on the water’s movement.


The process was a test of patience all because of a white marker. At first it bled over the blue and I had to improvise to cover it up without ruining the wavy water. I was busy with the last line then a massive drop of white landed on the pink. I tried to save it by scraping it with my nail, but it got to the point where the whole side got a lighter shade of pink. I took a breath and exhaled, because at that moment I was really despondent. My only option was to make a similar shade and paint the whole frame again. Thus also including the pink that was not affected by the white as to avoid inconsistency. There I went on a search for paint, because I am currently not home where all my supplies are. Finally I found some red and white, but lo and behold, it was dried out. I found another red, which was usable and lime green. The only other white was material paint, but I took it. With those three colours mixed together, I gave it two coats and I was done. After all the obstacles, I was happy enough to call it finished.

Art to art

My hands and fingers were covered with blue paint, because I am not the “neat artist”. Well, what else to do than to embrace what I have created? @fermentedphil took these photographs to create art from the result of creating art. Mimicking the dance of water, I contorted my arms as a dancer joining in on the waves of the water.

After my tribulations I noticed the colour of my paint water. Again, appreciating what the process of creation left behind. I can only think of this colour as a ditzy pink which gave the water a saucy personality.

I had limited supplies and found a lonesome brush crying for use. It was the only brush I could use and so I did. I realised why it was laying alone as it is an awful brush, but it got the job done. Please appreciate the trauma that this brush had to go through.

Thank you for taking the time to read this post! Please, feel free to share your thoughts on this piece.

The post and the art are my own creations, although I must give a shoutout to the water that inspired me. The photographs were taken with my iPhone and my partner @fermentedphil's Nikon D300.

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