Third page of my comic!


The three pages are in a row so last one is the one I just finished. I will have to do some test printing to see how dark these come out and go back and fix any typos etc. I may go back and tweak some of the story and art because I view this as sort of a "beta test".

I want to be able to do these on a reasonable timeline since I am doing all the artwork myself but its a good process to go through and I am learning a lot. Now only 19 more pages plus a cover to go! lol Fourth page has not been laid out yet but I have an idea for it. I have been bouncing around a bit while laying out pages to capture key points I wanted to or when I was inspired.

All artwork was done in Corel Painter with a wacom Cintiq companion 2. Hope you like it and if not upvote it anyway :)

page 3 small.jpg

3 columns
2 columns
1 column
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