Art and History - Art Sunday


Are memorials an art? - That's a question I asked you some time ago. Two weeks ago, to be more precise.


But then I didn't have the courage to talk about it. Because the topic was about the monuments of the war. Whatever the war.
(This one above was placed on the occasion of the liberation from Turkish slavery, glorifying the Russian army.)


(This is on the occasion of the First Balkan War, WW1 and WW2.In honor of those killed in these three wars.)


(That's a monument in honor of the killed in the First Balkan War.)


This monument is a little different, as it was erected in honor of a fallen hero of the Border Troops, who died in a shootout at the border in 1952.
But again falls into the same category - memorials.

For me, military monuments and memorials are too ordinary, too identical. Even those who depict soldiers with raised weapons, ie. those erected in memory of The Unknown Warrior are all the same, though they depict different figures in different poses and in different arrangements.
Over the years, I have asked myself this question - not so much whether it is really art, but whether it should exist.
You know, the monument to the Soviet Army in the capital has been vandalized many times, and finally the city government has decided to dismantle it and move it to a museum, and this is probably the right decision. Because it seems that this is the most controversial monument (with the similar ones in different cities of the country), for which it is not entirely certain what messages they carry, although memorials, although monuments in honor of killed people.
The rest are just tombstones, and artistic or not, they must exist.
Well, on the other hand, political ones must also exist, at least in museums.
Because, considering how history repeats itself, it is necessary to know it, in order to be aware of what is awaiting you in the future. Because it turns out that history, not some other science, but only history is the absolutely exact science. More accurate than mathematics, more accurate than the most accurate sciences...

Happy #ArtSunday to you all!💙

Copyright: @soulsdetour

Hive.jpgSoul's Detour is a project started by me years ago when I had a blog about historical and not so popular tourist destinations in Eastern Belgium, West Germany and Luxembourg. Nowadays, this blog no longer exists, but I'm still here - passionate about architecture, art and mysteries and eager to share my discoveries and point of view with you.
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