PXLPET: Hello my deer! We have a winner! 🐱🐢🐸


PXLPET is a community game which is powered trough your comments and engagement. It's about taking care of your own virtual pet. With some of these future blog post you'll have the chance to win a pet which will then find a home on a pixel art canvas. You decide if you want to trade, just collect your new friends or upgrade your pet's home. All trough the power of your comments. Take a look at the announcement post, here.


We have a winner!

Thanks everyone for participating! I used a random generator to chose the winner and the pet. I am happy to annouce that @bitpizza wins the new pet! Congratulation! I hope you like your new friend!


How to Play

The rules are the same as last week.

You can become the owner of these cuties by commenting under this PXLPET blog posts. If your comment gets randomly chosen you'll win the pet and your username will be shown above its head. Congratulation you are a proud PXLPET owner! Your pet will from now on live in a lovely video which will be updated regularly. In case you win again you'll get one more pet.

Everybody who wants to participate has to resteem the post and leave a comment. You have one week to participate. After that week the winner will be announced.

Here's a graphic with the rules.


Let's get started!

- resteem and make your comment to get started -


Good luck and have fun!


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