My #Penciltember Sketches (9-14)

Dear cyberfriends,

my latest #penciltember drawings are based on the biro work above, which I made many years ago. I know, that a lot of people would just call it a meaningless doodle, but for me it's the visualisation of energy.

I'd say that it also has some references to the works of Impressionism and I wanted to dig deeper in this idea with my #penciltember sketches.

Game of Life

Somehow the drawings particularly remind me of Conway's Game of Life.

The Game of Life is controlled by four simple rules which are applied to each grid cell in the simulation domain:
  • A live cell dies if it has fewer than two live neighbors.
  • A live cell with two or three live neighbors lives on to the next generation.
  • A live cell with more than three live neighbors dies.
  • A dead cell will be brought back to live if it has exactly three live neighbors.

This is how a typical evolution looks like:


The gif is taken from this amazing tumblr blog, that deals with game of life algorithms.

Check it out!

You can check out this page for a javascript Game of Life emulation in your browser.
Try clicking on the "randomize"-button!

Thanks for watching!


Here are the links to my #penciltember sketches 1-4 and 5-8.
3 columns
2 columns
1 column
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