Original Art Series by @sharonqian #1

Dear Steemian friends,

It is my pleasure to share one of my favorite original still-life paintings with you in today's Original Art Series.

Let's take a tour around my art world!

Baby's Breath Flower满天星


Materials and medium材料和材质:
Acrylic painting on canvas丙烯颜料
Estimated time to paint: 10 hours约耗时10小时

This painting won the Scholastic Art and Writing Silver Key Award in 2017.

What was the story behind this painting?

I drew this acrylic painting on my mother's birthday on March the 14th as a present to my mom.

My mother is passionate for many things in life. Among all those things she love, I will personally speak for her that her top three are photography, nature and my artworks. (Well I know for certain that my mom, as a amateur photographer who travels all around the world to capture natural beauties, definitely loves photography and nature. It may or may not be true that she entertains the same notion I have for my artworks. But I am very inclined to think that she appreciates them as much as I do.😂😂)

My mother is a natural art connoisseur who is able to discern and appreciate beauty in details. It does not surprise me that baby's breath is one of my mom's favorite flowers: it has a low-key appearance but many flower bouquets will not look as impressive without it. Baby breath is like a modest gentleman who does not desire attention but people cannot ignore its contribution to the aesthetic world.

Lastly but not least, baby's breath has a beautiful meaning: the eternal love.

P.S. This is my first official art post and I hope Steemians will like my arts and support me along the way. Thank you all!
P.S. 这是Sharon第一次正式发文还希望Steemians能喜欢 鞠躬~

@sharonqian All rights reserved. Please contact me if you intend to use my arts in any circumstances.
All paintings and drawings in my art series are my original artworks and all still-lifes are set in my art studios in Charlotte and in Nanjing.

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