"A Public Service Announcement" or "The long-winded reason I deleted all the content from my Steemit with a handy tool"

When Steemit changed ownership

and the whole "war" started, I wanted to use both chains and enjoy the fact that I then had double the blogging and double the coins from the fork.

My faith was then shooketh.

While I stand on my little metaphorical soapbox, I will provide a few pieces of art I have made that were inspired by my time on Steem.

Here we go.


I feel like Sun bought Steemit and just assumed that meant he also owned all the things associated with it, including content, witnesses, people and their wallets, as if those things were all a part of the sale.


I don't like that it seems like Steemit now says one thing while doing the contradicting thing. I don't like that Sun says he is protecting the chain from rebels and hackers and shit, but then finds a way to push a shitty fork through that takes money that belongs to other people. You don't get to take peoples' money, dude. Just because the currency has the same name as the company you bought, that doesn't make the money yours.


So, now I am on two blog platforms, one that is on a brave new chain standing up for the people that use it, the other chain is formally my favorite place on the web because the developer is now actively censoring and stealing from its users.


And now...

I'm removing all of my content from my Steemit blog. I started doing it manually, but then I was alerted to the existence of this tool called STEEM PRUNER.

It seems I wasn't the only person that wanted to remove all the content.


Now, by the time this post goes up my entire steem blog will be redirecting traffic to my Hive account. None of my content will be shown on the steem blog anymore but will offer a link to the hive version.


I left Facebook for being shitty, I'm not above leaving a blockchain for the same reason.


My powerdown is nearly done. Then it's BYE FELICIA!

Thanks for reading, or at the very least, looking at the art. ;-)



[dog pee is hilarious, when it's on someone else's stuff]

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