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21 Days and Counting — Reflections on the Last Underground Cupcake

(The ongoing chronicle of the gradual closing down of our brick-and-mortar art gallery and gift shop... recorded through the immutable thing that is the Steem blockchain)

Last night, the Red Dragonfly Gallery stayed open late for the monthly "Gallery Walk" evening, here in our small town.

In spite of the fact that our current exhibit was quite well covered by both our area newspapers — and we had excellent weather — it was still quite a slow night. Surprisingly, almost nobody commented on the fact that we will be closing our doors for good, in just three weeks, on June 23rd.

Perhaps that's just a reflection on the reality that nobody reads newspapers, anymore...

Cupcakes and Art: It's What's for Dinner!

"The Final Underground Cupcake"

One of the "odd bits" about our place is that one of our "food treats" for Gallery Walk was my wife's homemade cupcakes... a tradition that started some three years ago. The name "Underground Cupcakes" came about because of the Red Dragonfly's downstairs location

Well, we had a giant batch of cupcakes for last night's event, so there were a few left over that I gave out to visitors today (Sunday), much to the delight of visiting kids... perhaps less so, their parents.

The last "Underground Cupcake" has been served!

The last ones are gone!

Dismantling Begins in Earnest...

With just three weeks to go till our final hand-off to the landlord, the "dismantling" of the business begins in earnest, tomorrow.

Some 40 artists have been notified that we are closing, and arrangements are being made for them to either pick up their work if they live locally, or to have it shipped back to them, for those further afield.

The gallery will remain open for the duration, as we have enough local work to keep things going to catch a few final sales (hopefully!) before the doors close for good.

It's somewhat of a sad process, considering how much time and effort we have invested here... but all we can do at this point is be "philosophical" about it and say "it is what it is..."

Thanks for reading, and till the next one!