Fairy of music. My new painting. step-by-step

Today I finished my new painting. This picture is a birthday present for one very fine flutist. It's a person who lives by music. And makes others also feel the music and understand the language of sounds. Her concerts are always held with a big sell-out. She has fiery red hair and she always stands in the hat. I really hope that she will like this gift. Before the birth of another 3 weeks, but I already want to show the picture to you, and get your opinion!
Thank you all for your comments!

As I know, my dear friends, it's always very interesting for you to see, how it was . While the paint I've made some shots, that you can see how it was step by step!
I hope you will enjoy!





Эта работа была сделана в подарок для одной девушки, чудесной флейтистки и замечательному музыканту! Ее концерты всегда полны публики, она понимает язык музыки и заставляет всех вокруг почувствовать всю красоту мелодии. Надеюсь, ей очень понравится эта работа. А пока я хочу представить ее вам, дорогие мои друзья!
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