Say hello to Big Bob

This is Big Bob, he's not new but he's constantly evolving. I started Big Bob a few years ago, he started off as an acrylic painting but as I got more into oil paints so Big Big started to evolve in oils. Big Bob measures 1.5 x 1 metres , that's why he's called Big Bob and not Little Bob!

I never feel 100% satisfied with a painting, I always feel like there is something else to be done. So, it's very hard to step back from something and say 'OK that's finished'. I think Big Bob will always be unfinished in my eyes, he grows with me as I progress as a painter. I wonder how thick Big Bob's layers of paint will be in 20 years time?

Close up details:

The brown lines and some of the white are still the original acrylic paint. Can you see the difference between the surfaces of the oil paint and the acrylic paint?

Follow me @opheliafu to see more of Big Bob's friends!

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