Chibi Katelyn | Drawing

Chibi Drawing

This is my first time drawing a Chibi :3
Chibi: Japanese style comic which is known as "manga" sometimes get their characters drawn in smaller versions, which are more cute and more humorous.

What app did I use?

I used a drawing app called Paint Tool Sai, I've been using it for more then a month. Best drawing app I have ever used. I used to draw on Paint and Sketchbook, Sai is much more advanced. There's so many different tools to use on Sai. Took me a while to get the hang of it though. This is the best drawing I have done on this app, my other drawings were okay. If you get this app, and your drawing aren't the best on it, it just takes a little while to gt the hang of it so don't get frustrated.

How did I make this?

First I draw the sketch for the drawing then I outline it to make it look neat. Then I add the base colors. I had highlights and darker spots to add dimension. I also remember seeing a Chibi like this online so that is inspired by that. I didn't spend much time on the back ground but I hope you still like it.

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