NFT Showroom News / Notifications and tx history are live!


Art by @fabiyamada, @stellabelle, @crystalhuman and @lacking

We have some great news today! A brand new update has just rolled out with notifications and transaction history for each piece of art! At the moment it will only show history starting today but the dev is working on adding previous history, we will keep you updated!

Notifications can be found under the bell icon in the top right menu:
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You will also notice on your personal page there is a new item in the menu called transactions:
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The last change is that tx history will show up under each piece of art, so you can know who bought and sold each piece and for how much:

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A Stamp Collection- Art Process Version by @kristyglas

Minor bug fixes

There have also been a few small improvements:

  • The deposit and withdrawal button on the wallet page will only allow 3 decimal places so users will not experience errors when trying to add more than that
  • Some speed optimizations for the homepage
  • There is now a report button, if you find plagiarism, inappropriately tagged NSFW art or anything else of concern please use this button and the admins will get an alert!
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    ININGHE by @yanga

Thank you so much to all the artists (73 have been verified! to date!) and collectors who have participated in the alpha! As always if you find any bugs or glitches please report to us in the discord help channel so we can investigate.

Visit the site and browse art:

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For any questions or support please visit us in discord NFT Showroom discord


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