Although the weather is wet, breezy &'s great to be here on planet fucking beautiful!

This painting is titled, MEANDERING RIVER, acrylic on canvas, 16 x20"

As you may have established by now, I am deeply, madly in-love with Mother Earth and her spectacular beauty. Sometimes emotions well-up inside of me when my eyes lay upon one of her awesome sites.

Above is a painting where I felt completely connected to every brushstroke.

Firstly, I painted the sky in acrylic color of pale blue, then adding titanium white for the fluffy clouds. Then came the blue mountain with grassy green patches running wildly across.

Just below the mountains, I added trees standing above a verdant green stretch of lawn.

Secondly, I added the thick bushes on either side of the canvas and highlighted it in yellows, reds and browns. Then...all of a sudden....I heard it ... a river out of no where came gushing down through the canvas, swirling noisily around rocks and boulders. It was a nice, soothing sound: a tiny incessant roar with splishes and splashes.

Then when the river reached at the end of the canvas, I snapped out of my reverie and realized I had painted a meandering river!

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