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Egyptian Ayahuasca Cat - Original Art

I drew this beauty 2 1/2 years ago. I started it a month before I communed with Mother Ayahuasca (something I wasn't aware I'd be doing when I began this). I finished the drawing (about 2/3 of it) after my life-altering encounter with Mother Aya. I had been drawing in this style since I was about 11 - so I didn't intentionally make it an "Ayahuasca" drawing. She just sort of turned out that way as my old style collided with the new energies coursing through my system. This was the first drawing I had finished since I was in college for art/graphic design (so in over 10 years).

Cats have always held a special place in my heart. My first kitty, Ebony, was all black and a total sweetheart. I don't remember getting her because I was just a toddler. Ever since her, I've always felt a kinship with felines - big and small. As a shy, introverted child, my relationships with kitties became so very meaningful.

Synchronistically, there ended up being a black cat, named Lotus, in our Ayahuasca ceremony circle - in the middle of the Brazilian Amazon. Lotus' presence is one of the factors that reassured me that I was indeed being called to this sacred medicine.

A close up of the detail on her neck

I could talk more about this symbology here - but want to keep this fairly brief. Just know that there is a correlation between the bird & snake a Kundalini energy. Though, I was not aware of any of this while drawing it - and in the midst of this creation (during the Aya ceremony) was when my Kundalini spontaneously activated.

What I learned from the process of drawing this piece was that when you open up to incoming energies and information, the Universe (both inner and outer) can communicate quite a bit with you if you are paying attention. I don't believe in coincidence. :)

This past week, I finally had her framed. They did a wonderful job! I can now hang her on my wall and cherish her. I hope you enjoy my Egyptian Aya Kitty as much as I have.

She is complete!

As a bonus, last night, my husband made the discovery that the aura around the cat glows in black light! Pretty rad!!