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Walks around Saint-Petersburg#61. The Bobrinsky Palace.

The Bobrinsky Palace is surrounded by the Admiralty canal, Novo-Admiralteyskiy canal and Galernaya street. The palace is a monument of Russian architecture in the style of classicism.

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Model of the Bobrinsky Palace.

In the second half of the 18th century, at the place of the Bobrinsky Palace was the estate of Alexander Vasilyevich Khrapovitsky (cabinet secretary of Catherine II). In 1790, the estate was bought by Senator Peter Vasilievich Myatlev.
In 1792 - 1796 the estate was rebuilt according to the project of the architect Luigi Rusca. The complex of rebuilt structures also included the former building of the architect Savva Ivanovich Chevakinsky.
In 1798 Alexey Grigorievich Bobrinsky (the illegitimate son of Empress Catherine II and Prince Grigory Orlov) became the owner of the estate. Alexei Bobrinsky became the ancestor of the Count's family of Bobrinsky.
The title of Count Aleksey Bobrinsky was granted from his half-brother Paul the First in 1796. And the palace of Bobrinsky was presented by the wife of Pavel the First - Maria Feodorovna.

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Alexey Grigorievich Bobrinsky.

Since then, the owners of the palace have become Bobrinsky.

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Alexei Bobrinsky's wife - Anna Vladimirovna Bobrinskaya expanded the palace for solemn meetings and balls in honor of the imperial family. In Bobrinsky Palace receptions, performances, masquerades were constantly arranged.

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The courtyard and the garden of the Bobrinsky Palace.

Eldest son of Alexey Grigorievich Bobrinsky Alexei Alekseevich Bobrinsky and his wife Sofya Alexandrovna Bobrinskaya continued the traditions of receptions and celebrations in the palace. The palace was visited by famous people such as: Pushkin, Vyazemsky, Zhukovsky and others.

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Since 1929 in the building of the Bobrinsky Palace there was a geographical museum.
In 2004, the complex of the Bobrinsky Palace and the garden began to be restored. In 2011, the Bobrinsky Palace was opened after the restoration. Part of the building is occupied by the museum, and part of the palace is the Faculty of Science and Arts of the State University.

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The main staircase of the Bobrinsky Palace.

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Interior of the Bobrinsky Palace.

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The ceiling painting of the oval hall of the Bobrinsky Palace.

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You have learned about one more monument of architecture and art of St. Petersburg - Bobrinsky Palace.
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