Check this out #How To draw a realistic eye...✏️still in progress

hello steemites πŸ’—

my family, my community, i hope you all are doing amazingly alright 😊. I really miss you all a lot, i have been away for awhile now due to academic stuff [Education they say is knowledge]. I have to do as much as possible to equip myself in acquiring more knowledge if that is the case😎

i wanna introduce a sketch i have been working on for a while now. It all about knowing how to draw a realistic eye, the piece of act is still in progress hoping to finish it as soon as possible. Before introducing you to the sketch, let see the quote of the day.

Quote of the day

"Fear is the greatest obstacle of achieving your greatness".

Work in progress 😊

let see a little bit of how far i have go with it πŸ™Œ

Watch out for the complete work as soon as possible 😊


much love πŸ’—πŸ’—πŸ’—

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