A Vision: Dragon on the square in Xiaghra on Gozo, Malta (original art, with process)

Malta-Dragon-final small.jpg

I created this image after I had a vision when visiting Gozo, Malta this spring. If you want to get the full story you have to follow my Book project...)

I first created a very rough sketch for the composition and flow of the dragon

Then I painted the building that the dragon flies through. Here not shown, but I actually kept the sketch of the dragon visible, so everything was put in the right place.

You see there are some stray lines from when I was painting on the wrong layer (which happens way to often). Now it is time for city in the background and some heavy cloud cover with a low, setting sun.

So let's put in the dragon. Here I pushed and pulled the original composition somewhat to get the dragon exactly as I wanted. Spend quite some time on it to detail it and get it right. Detailed the head a bit more as this is the main focal point.

I changed the contrast on the whole image and did a shadow pass on the dragon using a dark purple. And don't forget the teeth...

And finally one more dark pass and one more (sun)light pass and a signature...
Malta-Dragon-final small.jpg

During the process there was a bit of to and fro between the different layers, so the process was a little bit less linear then shown here.

Hope you enjoyed this. Take care!

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